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Beiping hairtail fish
Category: Month push new dishes
Date: 2019-07-19
Click: 144
Author: Chubang
Heat up another pot, add 2000 grams of Chubang grain blended oil, and when the oil is 40% warm, turn down the heat and fry the hairtail fish rolls, fry for 2 minutes, remove and set aside;


Raw material:

3 pounds of fresh hairtail, 15 grams of fresh orange (cut into thin slices and set aside)


2150g of Chubang grain blended oil, 160g of Chubang tomato sauce, 40g of Chubang banquet cooking wine, ingredient A (270g of Chubang pure rice vinegar, 8g of salt, 20g of MSG, 180g of white sugar, 50g of water)

Production Method:

1. Remove scales, internal organs and bones from fresh hairtail and rinse thoroughly. Add 5 grams each of onion and ginger, 3 grams of pepper, 40 grams of Chubang Banquet cooking wine, marinate for 5 minutes, roll up and pat dry with starch and set aside;

2. Heat the pot for 20 seconds, put 150g of Chubang grain blending oil in the pot, add 160g of Chubang tomato sauce, sauté until fragrant and the red oil comes out, add ingredient A and simmer over low heat for 1 minute, pour into a container and put Soak 15 grams of orange slices and set aside;

3. Heat up another pot, add 2000 grams of Chubang grain blended oil, and when the oil is 40% warm, turn down the heat and fry the hairtail fish rolls, fry for 2 minutes, remove and set aside;

4. Put the fried hairtail into the prepared sauce and cook for 2 minutes, let cool and serve.

Dishes Features: Salty and delicious, the sauce is fragrant

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